Our State - South Australia

18/03/2024 - 2023 Governor’s Multicultural Awards’ Recipients - Department of the Premier and Cabinet

DPC Communications Season 2024 Episode 272

Winners of the 2023 Governor’s Multicultural Awards were announced at a ceremony at Government House on Thursday, 29 February 2024.

The awards were presented by Her Excellency the Honourable Frances Adamson AC, Governor of South Australia, on the advice of an independent judging panel. The judging panel includes Supreme Court judges, people in media, a university professional, and senior officials from multicultural community associations.

These important awards recognise and celebrate outstanding South Australians who promote multiculturalism and increase the understanding of the benefits of cultural diversity in our community.

South Australians nominate an individual, team or organisation that is passionate about making a positive contribution to multiculturalism and intercultural understanding and promoting our culturally diverse state.

The nine award categories are: Outstanding Individual Achievement; Arts and Culture; Community Sector; Media; Private Sector; Public Sector; Senior Volunteer; Volunteer; and Youth.

The awards program is administered by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet through Multicultural Affairs.

In this segment, we hear from Her Excellency the Honourable Frances Adamson AC, Governor of South Australia and Nader Ibrahim, a proud Egyptian immigrant who moved to Australia in 2009 and a  joint winner of the Community Sector Award at the 2023 Governor’s Multicultural Awards.