Our State - South Australia

26/02/2024 - Inner Sanctum 18th Adelaide Biennial of Australian Art - Art Gallery of South Australia

DPC Communications Season 2024 Episode 270

Opening on 29 February, the 18th Adelaide Biennial of Australian Art: Inner Sanctum, curated by José Da Silva, assembles 24 leading artists and poets for an exhibition that can be seen, heard, and felt at the Art Gallery of South Australia until 2 June.

As part of the 2024 Adelaide Festival, Inner Sanctum on Kaurna Yerta unfolds across free exhibitions of new and recent works, live performances, music and public programs, all highlighting our engagement with the world and each other.

Curator José Da Silva says, ‘The idea of an ‘inner sanctum’ evokes the private, protected, or sacred spaces we create in our homes and communities as a refuge and sanctuary, as well as the faculty of imagination, which allows us to see culture and society differently. Within the exhibition, this takes place in homes and gardens and on walking tracks, and in memories and stories of family and ancestors. It is also seen in locations of special knowledge, sacred activities, cultural environments, and, importantly, in the working spaces of artists and the art museum itself.’

In this segment, we hear from Adelaide Biennial Curator, Jose Da Silva who has over twenty years of curatorial experience in Australian art museums, George Cooley, a First Nations Artist and old time Opal miner and community leader from Coober Pedy and  Jess Loughlin, one of Australia’s most internationally acclaimed glass artists.