Our State - South Australia

03/02/2023 River Murray flood recovery and clean-up

DPC Communications Season 2023 Episode 232

The River Murray flood event has impacted an estimated 4000 properties along the River in South Australia. 

Government grants, relief packages and support are available to help people and businesses affected by the flooding.

Led by the SASES, state government agencies are working alongside councils, contractors, landholders and businesses to respond to the floods. 

Following the response, the focus will turn to the recovery of the local community, which is led by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet.

Green Industries SA are the SA Government’s lead agency on disaster waste clean-ups, and led the waste clean-up after South Australia’s 2019-20 bushfires, and are co-ordinating the waste clean up for the River Murray region.

In this segment, we hear from Alex Zimmermann, Community Recovery Coordinator, and Ian Overton, Chief Executive Green Industries SA. 

For the latest information, visit www.sa.gov.au/floods