Our State - South Australia

31/10/2022 Rail Safety with Department for Infrastructure and Transport

DPC Communications Season 2022 Episode 233

Rail safety is everyone’s responsibility – relying on all of us to look out for each other and pay attention to our surroundings.

The Department for Infrastructure and Transport, in conjunction with the TrackSafe Foundation, are reminding all South Australians to Stand back. Look up and Stay Rail Safe.

On average, six collisions and 110 near misses involving either a person or a vehicle are reported by rail operators in South Australia each year.  

Video footage shows how close people have come to tragedy - needlessly risking their life by crossing rail tracks in front of oncoming trains. It only takes one moment of distraction, or unsafe action, to change a person’s life forever

In this segment, we hear from Scott White and Bill Reid from the South Australian Public Transport Authority on rail safety and why it's so important.